Saturday, December 28, 2013

Thoughts on New Years (warning: Negativity ahead)

So I just noticed that New Years is around the corner; I haven't thought about it. I know a bunch of peeps mention how its a new year to start fresh and start doing things differently than the year before that, but to me its just an extension to my negative-self. Last year my New years was actually horrible, I cried myself to sleep that time...I'm hoping that this time around i'll just let the day pass without worry...

To me, the New Year doesn't bring joy or hope. I know that 2014 isn't going to change anything. I'm still going to be same old me. I'm still going to do bad in school, be lazy, be negative, be lonely, be anti-social, be indecisive, and have negative thoughts. I guess you could say that instead of seeing the bright side of what a New Year can bring, I think about all the bad stuff i'm sure that's going to happen. I know I shouldn't be like this, but I can't help it. These negative thoughts have always been a part of me. I never think about the bright side or I never live in the now. I'm always thinking ahead of the bad stuff that can happen in my life. So to me New Years is just going to be the start of another bad year....

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